Individual Healthcare Plans (IHP) are not to be confused with the Education, Health care Plan (EHCP).

To understand more about Education Health Care Plans please go to our website page: Get Informed – The Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) – Bexley IASS

You can discuss with your child’s school and health professionals whether an Individual Healthcare plan would be appropriate for your child:

  • An individual plan is particularly helpful for children with long term complex health needs.
  • An Individual healthcare plan will help a setting to effectively plan what your child needs, and can provide reassurance about the support plan, for example: who will do what, and when.
  • You will be able to share your views and those of your child. Let the school know of any changes to your child’s needs so the plan can be amended
  • This plan can also include your child’s Special Educational Needs (where an EHC plan is not in place).
  • Though school will be responsible for finalising and maintaining the plan, health, social care or other professionals should be involved in the process.

Here you will find the Government guidance on the Individual Healthcare Plan for Schools, provided in an open document format for you to download and fill in: IHP template  

What should be included in an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP)

Further information can be found here on what should be included in an Individual Healthcare Plan and example templates from the Health Conditions in School Alliance: Advice and example templates 

We have included a couple of example Individual Healthcare Plans below:

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